You purchase LickiMat products in Denmark from:
- KW - Hunde og Katteartikler A/S
- Pethavn
- Dyreverdenen
- Østrand Hundeartikler
- Agroland
- Assens Dyreklinik
- Bjerringbro Dyrehospital
- Bonnie Dyrecenter
- Brogården Hørsholm
- Bumle Shoppen
- Butik Bellamaya
- Byens Dyreklinik
- Camilla`s Dyrecenter
- Centrum Dyrehandel
- Charlottenlund Dyrehandel
- Dalum Dyrehandel
- Dogsrus
- Du og Din Hund
- Dyr i Centrum
- Dyrenes Butik
- Dyrevennerne
- Dyrlægegruppen Vestjylland
- Dyrlægen På Vejstrupgaard
- Dyrlægeskræk
- Evidensia Kolding Dyrehospital
- Foder Engros Randers
- Foderautomaten
- Gadekrydset
- Ganløse Dyreklinik
- Gundsø Dyreklinik
- Gårdbutikken Dyrenes Verden
- Haslev Dyrefoder
- Hedegaard Brønderslev
- Hedvigs Hundecenter
- Hooked4Pets
- Hundensgaard
- Hunique
- Højlund Mølle Butik
- Ikast Dyreklinik
- Kennel Bluewyle
- Klovborg Dyreklinik
- Korsholm
- Maxizoo
- Medana
- Minizoo
- Morud Dyreklinik
- Nordfyns Dyreklinik Aps
- Petshoppen
- Petworld
- Rigtig Hundemad Egedal
- Rigtig Hundemad Slagelse
- Små Poter Og Store Lapper
- Smådyrsklinikken
- Tropeland
- Tropica
- Turhunden
- Ullas Topline
- Vanløse Hundesalon
- Vegas/jekas
- Vejle Dyrecenter
- Vovseshoppen
- Årslev Dyreklinik
We have a growing number of vets, pet groomers and pet trainers that also stock our products.
If you are a Danish retailer or online retailer currently stocking LickiMat and your name is not on this list, please contact us by filling in the contact form and we will be in touch.
If the products you are looking for are not stocked at your favourite store, please ask us to contact them to see if they know about the LickiMat by using our contact form here. We want to make sure that you can get LickiMats in the way most convenient to you.